Friday, April 20, 2012

R is for Responsibility

A to Z Blogging Challenge

R is for Responsibility

"With great power comes great responsibility." - Spider-Man

Yes, I did just quote Spider-Man. He's my favorite super hero. (I do have other almost-favorites but that's another post for another time.) I like Peter Parker because he is an average guy who has greatness thrust upon him. And he handles it rather well! Most of the time. :) Character flaws are fun and all but for an all around good guy, Peter Parker is my man.

Who are your favorite super heroes? Favorite quotes?


  1. I don't have a favorite superhero, but Spider-Man is really popular with my five-year-old!

  2. Hello, Melissa! Super-Man is one of my favorite superheroes, too. I also love all the X-Men! Storm and Wolverine were my favorites when I was a kid, and Mystique was my favorite of the bad mutants!

    Have a lovely weekend and happy A to Z!!

  3. I'm with you on Spidey. I have a poster with Spiderman that has the "responsibility" quote on it in my classroom. I usually have the kids write a journal entry on what that means to them. I get some interesting answers.


Hello there! Please comment. I do read all comments and they make me happy. :)