Monday, August 15, 2011

Melissa-ish Monday : Celebrate My Book's Birthday

Today's question is: "What are you doing now that your first book has come out?"

Answer: "Celebrate!" :) I baked a cake for my book's "birthday." It was delicious.

But you probably didn't want to hear about me eating cake. (Even if it was rainbow chip.) So, a better answer would be, "Get ready to edit my second book."

Yep, I've already written the second book in The Tales of Gymandrol series. It's been turned in to my publisher and is waiting in the queue to be edited by the wonderful Farrah Penn. Book Two follows where THE SEVENTH BLESSING leaves off. (If you haven't read TSB yet, I don't want to give you a spoiler.)

I'll also be working on Book Three of the series. I have the story outlined and have written the first quarter of it. As time draws closer, I can give more details about it. But not yet. :)

In other-than-writing news, the school year is starting up again in about two weeks so I'll be getting back to my old schedule of transporting kids to school, substitute teaching, volunteering, all that "mom stuff" that I do. I will be having book signings and writing workshops at several schools in the area. I'll keep up with the blogging in the midst of the craziness. That's the plan right now anyway.

Have a fantastic week!


  1. Congrats on getting your book published! I think it's a great idea to make a cake and eat it!

  2. Yay for a BOOK THREE! And I'm reeeeeally excited about Book Two too ;o)


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