At the LA Times Festival of Books, Mysterious Galaxy bookstore will be hosting many awesome authors at their booth! Come on by and meet some wonderful authors. (And I'll be there, too!)
10:30 AM: Terri Nolan signs Burden of Truth
Michael Robertson signs The Baker Street Translation
11:00 AM: Robin Benway signs Also Known As
Sherri L. Smith signs Orleans
noon: Avery Aames signs To Brie or Not to Brie
Gennifer Albin signs Crewel
Gustavo Arellano signs Taco USA
Stuart Woods signs Unintended Consequences
1:00 PM: Joanne Fluke signs Red Velvet Cupcake Murder
Laura Levine signs Death of a Neighborhood Witch
1:30 PM: Reyna Grande signs The Distance Between Us
A.S. King signs Ask the Passengers
Ed Kovacs signs Good Junk
2:00 PM: Stephen Blackmoore signs Dead Things
Cindy Pon signs Fury of the Phoenix
2:30 PM: Connie Archer signs A Spoonful of Murder
Melissa Buell signs The Hidden Blessing
3:00 PM: Leslie Margolis signs One Tough Chick
Rochelle Staab signs Bruja Brouhaha
4:00 PM: Orson Scott Card signs Ruins * see staff for restrictions and questions
Orson Scott Card & Aaron Johnston sign Earth Unaware * see staff for restrictions and questions
Wendy Lawless signs Chanel Bonfire
4:30 PM: Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl sign Beautiful Redemption
Meredith Maran signs Why We Write
5:00 PM: Ridley Pearson signs Kingdom Keepers VI: Dark Passage * see staff for restrictions and questions
*Authors will sign and visit with fans for approximately 30 minutes.
Signing etiquette: Please, no more than three books at a time per author, and no more than six books
per author total. Some authors may have less availability – see staff for details. Please purchase your
books prior to author signature.
Giveaways: We have some great gifts with purchase available during the Los Angeles Times Festival of
Books. Ask a staff member for details.
Great Customer Service and an Out of this World Staff!Mysterious Galaxy LATFB Booth #36