Saturday, September 8, 2012

Book Giveaway of Epic Proportions!

I've spent A LOT of time this summer reading the books I've gotten at BEA and ALA. I've sent some of those books along to Twitter followers, some to friends, some to the summer reading program at the library (as prizes). I still have some books that need reading and reviewing! *puppy dog eyes* Are you the one to give these ARCs a home? Will you read them and love them? And buy finished copies if you like the books? Yes?! Then fill out the form below!

I'll pick out winners (based on which book they would like in order received) and send along the books after the giveaway closes. :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Melissa! Thank you for the awesome giveaway! It's truly epic. ;) You're very generous! If I win, I'll make sure to read and review it in my blog, don't worry hehe! I'm thinking to buy some of the books in the list too anyway. x) hopefully this giveaway opens for international readers too! <3 Thanks again! <3


Hello there! Please comment. I do read all comments and they make me happy. :)